New York Dysphagia Support Group

A community for persons with swallowing disorders, their caregivers, and professionals who work with swallowing and swallowing disorders.



What is a dysphagia support group?

A dysphagia support group is a community of people with swallowing disorders, caregivers, and professionals joining together to provide education and resources, create a judgment-free space to share successes and challenges, reduce isolation, and foster community.

Who may attend?

Meetings are free and open to adults with dysphagia, caregivers, friends, and family members of persons with dysphagia, professionals who assess and treat dysphagia, students, and anyone wanting to learn more.

Where are meetings held?

Meetings are held virtually via Zoom with consideration for those who may have mobility issues and to allow participation from attendees across New York.

What is the meeting format?

Meetings include a combination of guides group discussions, lectures, and informational sessions.

When are the meetings?

Meetings will be held once every two months for a total of six meetings per year. Refer to this page for past and upcoming events.

Why should I participate in a support group?

Dysphagia can often be a very iso9lating experience for both the person experiencing the swallowing problems and their loved ones. Often times, many persons with dysphagia and their family members report not feeling as if they had enough support. Attending support groups meetings can result in decreased isolation, gaining a sense of empowerment and agency, and increased access to knowledge and resources.

Upcoming Events

Stay tuned for upcoming events in 2022!


Fill in the form below to register for our dysphagia support group meeting. Please allow up to 24 hours for confirmation of your registration. Zoom links will be sent out to registered attendees within 24-48 hours of the event.

 Past Events


What to Expect During an MBSS or FEES

Modified barium swallow studies (MBSS) and flexible endoscopic evaluations of swallowing (FEES) are instrumental swallow evaluations used to identify impairments in swallowing function to determine a course of treatment. Recommendations for diet and liquid consistencies may also be provided. While these evaluations are frequently used, more people with dysphagia than I care to admit said they didn’t know what to expect during the exam. Some didn’t even know why they were placed on modified diets.

In this discussion, we will review everything you wish your SLP had told you about MBSS and FEES! Register below to attend.

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Dysphagia & the Holidays

Holiday dinners are often at the forefront of holiday celebrations. For example, Thanksgiving may bring to mind turkey, mashed potatoes, and an assortment of pies. However, for people with dysphagia, it may be especially hard to navigate holiday meals while possibly not being able to partake in eating their preferred foods.

Join us for our special holiday themed event where we will discuss experiences of celebrating the holidays with dysphagia and share favorite “easy to swallow” holiday recipes. Register below to attend!

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In our first dysphagia support group meeting of the year, we will review the importance of support groups for persons with dysphagia and their caregivers, meet other community members, and discuss the goals and direction of our support group.