What is FEES?

Flexible endoscopic evaluation of swallowing (FEES) is a gold standard swallowing assessment that can be completed in your facility. A thin flexible tube with a light and camera is passed through the nose allowing visualization of the swallowing mechanism during eating and drinking. High quality video and skilled analysis enable us to make evidence-based recommendations and develop individualized treatment plans.

Dysphagia (difficulty swallowing) cannot be adequately managed without an instrumental exam to determine not only the WHAT (swallowing dysfunction), but also the WHY (pathophysiology contributing to dysphagia), and HOW (swallowing exercises, compensatory strategies, diet modifications, appropriate referrals) to effectively manage swallowing dysfunction.

Who should get a FEES?

An instrumental swallow evaluation is indicated is there is any concern of oropharyngeal dysphagia. FEES can be used with virtually any patient population with the exception of facial fractures or structural anomalies which would not allow scope passage.

Populations who may especially benefit from FEES include;

  • patients who cannot achieve upright positioning

  • patients with dementia

  • suspected poor secretion management

  • suspected pharyngeal or laryngeal structural impairments

  • patients with vocal fold paresis or paralysis

  • patients who are too medically fragile to leave the facility

  • patients who require a longer exam

  • patients who require trials of multiple compensatory strategies and therapeutic maneuvers

  • patients who fatigue during meals


FEES is a gold-standard in assessing and managing swallowing dysfunction. It is safe, efficient, and can be brought right to your facility. FEES has a strong agreement with modified barium swallow studies (MBSS) and is even more sensitive in identifying penetration, aspiration, residue, and impaired secretion management. There is also no time limitation because there is no radiation exposure. The exam can last as long as needed to develop a management plan.

TIME is MONEY. FEES has the ability to save both! FEES is approximately 1/4 of the cost of an outpatient MBSS and can be completed in a fraction of the time. Wait times for MBSS can often exceed 2-3 months. FEES can be performed in less than one week from receiving the referral.

We can WORK TOGETHER. Since this exam is performed at your facility, the treating speech pathologist can actively collaborate with the endoscopist during the exam and bill for treatment time. We firmly believe you know your patients best and we strive to work together for the best outcomes for your patients.