Speech & Language Therapy

Speech refers to the way the structures in our mouth shape the air coming from the lungs into sounds and words. Common speech disorders include dysarthria and apraxia. Language refers to expression through speaking or writing, understanding spoken language, and reading reading. Changes in speech and language can result from stroke (CVA), traumatic brain injury (TBI), or as the result of neurodegenerative and progressive conditions such as Parkinson’s disease or dementia.

A speech or language evaluation is recommended if you are experiencing any of the following symptoms.

  • Speech that is hard to understand

  • Trouble finding the right word

  • Difficulty following or initiating conversations

  • Changes in speech rate (too fast or too slow)

  • Soft spoken (compared to normal)

  • Not enough breath support for talking

  • Substituting the wrong word or the wrong sound

  • Using made-up words or jargon

  • Difficulty reading, writing, or spelling

  • Trouble answering questions

  • Robotic or staccato speech

  • Slurred speech

  • Inability to produce words or sounds

How We Can Help

Comprehensive Evaluation: At State of Mind Speech & Swallowing we use comprehensive assessments which include formal standardized assessments, informal assessment, interview, and patient-reported outcome measures (PROMS) to provide subjective and objective information to paint the whole picture of the speech/language issues and the ways in which it impacts your QOL. This also allows us to assist you in developing goals to address.

Person-Centered Treatment: Our primary goal is to develop individualized treatments to help you in reaching your specific communication goals. Whether your goal is to be able to speak louder and with more confidence, participate in your weekly book club meeting, follow conversations with friends and family members, or make yourself easier to understand, we tailor our servicesto help you reach your goals.

Certifications & Training


SPEAK OUT! Parkinson’s Voice Project

Speech and voice changes, especially reduced loudness, are associated with Parkinson’s disease. SPEAK OUT! is an evidence-based treatment program grounded on the principles of motor learning and the transition of speech from an automatic to an intentional task. Treatment involves 12 speech therapy sessions delivered across 4 weeks.


Life Participation Approach to Aphasia (LPAA)

More than a treatment approach or methodology, LPAA is a paradigm shift taking the focus from impairment-based services to individualized treatment to improve life re-engagement. We focus on participation in daily activities you enjoy instead of workbooks and cookie-cutter approaches.


Be Clear

Be Clear is an intensive speech therapy program for dysarthria, a motor speech disorder. This program consisting of 4 sessions a week for 4 weeks takes into account the principles of neuroplasticity and motor learning to improve speech intelligibility, rate, and perception.